sluggish world economyの例文


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  1. The export slowdown is due to the sluggish world economy and other factors.
  2. But the sluggish world economy and incompliance with new quotas could keep prices down.
  3. As well as exposure to the sluggish world economy, German banks are struggling with what analysts say are excessive overheads.
  4. "Our exports have been hit by a triple whammy of SARS, drought and a sluggish world economy, " he said.
  5. Oil prices have dropped by roughly 30 percent in recent months due to a sluggish world economy and weak demand.


  1. "sluggish rate"の例文
  2. "sluggish schizophrenia"の例文
  3. "sluggish stream"の例文
  4. "sluggish turnover"の例文
  5. "sluggish type"の例文
  6. "sluggish year"の例文
  7. "sluggishly"の例文
  8. "sluggishly progressing schizophrenia"の例文
  9. "sluggishness"の例文
  10. "sluggishnesses"の例文
  11. "sluggish turnover"の例文
  12. "sluggish type"の例文
  13. "sluggish year"の例文
  14. "sluggishly"の例文

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